Mastodon The Writing Desk: About / Contact

About / Contact

Welcome to my writing blog, which aims to create insightful, relevant content to encourage new writers and support authors with book launches, reviews, guest posts and useful links.  

I average 10,000 to 20,000 visitors a month, about a third US and a third Europe, with a growing audience in Australia and the far-east. The most popular posts are about how and why people write - and get a lot of repeat visits, even over a year later.  

I like to hear from readers and other authors, so please feel free to visit my website and get in touch by email tonyriches @  or follow me on Twitter @tonyriches my Facebook author page and Bluesky
★ Reviewers are welcome to request free review copies of my eBooks.

★ Writers are invited to guest post on book launches, poetry or anything on writing.

★ Readers  - it is always good to have feedback, so let me know what you think?

Book Reviews on The Writing Desk 

Due to the high level of demand I am not currently accepting new review requests.

Short Bio

I was born in Pembrokeshire, West Wales and spent part of my childhood in Kenya. After gaining a BA degree in Psychology and an MBA from Cardiff University I worked as a Management Consultant, followed by senior roles in the Welsh NHS and Local Government.  
I wrote several successful non-fiction books before writing historical fiction and have returned to Pembrokeshire, where I enjoy sailing and sea kayaking.