Mastodon The Writing Desk

23 March 2025

Notes of a Time Traveller, a Special Guest Post by Lucy Menadue

Australopithecus Afarensis (Wikimedia Commons)

Ethiopia, 3.2 million years ago

They had been travelling for weeks. The tribe stuck together. They each had their roles to play. Their home had run out of food and resources. They had no choice but to move on. But, day by day, for their matriarch, each step became harder. She could feel every breath becoming heavier, and heavier. Her vision began to blur. 

Her lips, cracked. Her throat, hoarse. It had been days since they had encountered any water. She could go no further. Unable to carry on, the tribe set up camp. Moving through the woodland, they collected sticks and leaves to create a number of makeshift nests for the night. With support, the younger, more agile individuals, were able to scale the trees to build nests higher up, away from danger. 

Darkness fell over the valley. A thick cloud of mist began its nightly decent; weaving its way through the trees. As she drifted in and out of consciousness, she could still feel the gentle touch of her grandchildren as they came and went. Above her, she could see the shadows of the trees swaying. 

The next time her eyes opened, she could see her daughter standing over her, a look of sadness filled her eyes. No words were spoken. They didn’t need to be, nor could they be. In the dead of the night, the mist seemed to clear, and for the briefest of moments, she could see a million lights sparkling above her, filling the vast and empty darkness above. A sense of deepest calm descended. She closed her eyes for the last time, as the rattle of death approached.

Santo Stefano dei Mori, Rome, 1400

The bells tolled. Daylight had broken. It was time to return to chapel for Prime. Lorenzo rolled over, exhausted by another night of broken sleep. He took a deep breath and sat up. He pulled his tunic over his head, before tying it at the waist with a leather belt. 

He slipped on his shoes, and made haste for the chapel. With the expected arrival of more pilgrims from Ethiopia, today was going to be another long day. 

In silence, they met. The monks of Santo Stefano dei Mori. Without a word to preface it, they began to chant in complete synchronicity: 

“Oratio Mosi hominis Dei Dominie refugium tu factus es nobis in generatione et generatione
Priusquam montes fierent et formaretur terra et orbis a saeculo usque in saeculum tu es Deus……”

The dulcet tones filled the chapel, escaping from the open windows, to be carried out on the wind. In spiritual harmony, the chants of the monks reached the ears of the pilgrims. A wearied traveller, Täsfa, looked up. The words of the monks fell upon him and made the hairs on his arms stand on end. He had finally made it. He had spent months travelling here from his homeland in Ethiopia. 

He carried nothing with him but a small bag. Inside it, his last, few remaining coins, a knife and fork his father had bestowed on him before he left, and, his most treasured possession – a gift from his young sister – a bracelet of coral and bone. Her family would search for things in the nearby valley. Curiosities that could be sold or traded at market. But there was something about these bones. They were different. They were small, fine and slender. 

Like those from a human hand, but smaller. She had hidden them in her pocket. Too special to sell, she made them into a bracelet for her brother. She loved him unconditionally, and they knew when he left for this pilgrimage, that it would be the last time they would likely ever see each other. Täsfa reached into his bag, felt around for the bracelet, and gripped it tightly to feel his sister’s strength, urging him on. 

Lorenzo opened the gates and with a welcoming smile greeted the new group of pilgrims. They would need cleaning, feeding, and a place to rest. As they entered, one by one, fellow monks would warmly greet them, and show them where they needed to go. The last pilgrim, a man of average height, looked tired, but held himself up with pride. 

He approached Lorenzo, one hand outstretched in introduction, and another, clutching something tightly, hidden within his bag. “My name is Täsfa,” the man said. “I have come here to work.” Lorenzo met Täsfa’s stare. His face warm, but inquiring. “I believe I have a great deal of work to do” Täsfa added. Lorenzo’s face relaxed. There was something in this pilgrim that made him feel he could trust him implicitly. He wasn’t like the others. 

He didn’t know what it was just yet, but there was something about him. “All in good time, my brother. But first, let’s get you some food,” Lorenzo responded, placing an arm around this man and leading him to the dining hall. 

Hadar, Ethiopia, November 24, 1974

“Another, long day in this sweltering heat and nothing to show for it,” said Donald, as he threw back another piece of animal bone. “You’re right. Let’s head back,” responded Tom. The rest of their team gathered up the maps and tools, and headed in the direction of the Land Rover. 

Sofie, the most junior member, was collecting the last of the tools, when she heard what she thought was a low humming. She turned, and peered off into the distance. Unable to see anything, she started to walk in the direction of the others, back up the side of the valley. There it was again. Sofie couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something there. “Perhaps,” started Sofie, calling out to Donald, Tom and the rest of the team. 

They stopped, and looked back, waiting for her to continue. “Perhaps, we could walk back in a different direction? Maybe, through the valley here?” Sofie suggested. Tired after a long day, Donald and Tom, didn’t resist. “A change of scenery might be nice,” shrugged Tom. The team turned around, walking in the direction indicated by Sofie. The humming grew louder. Someone, or something, was calling to her. 
All of a sudden, Sofie tripped. 

The box of tools she had been carrying scattered out over the dirt. “What on earth was that?” she muttered. She turned around to see her fellow team members staring down at the ground where she had tripped. Sticking out of the earth was a fragment of bone. Slowly, Donald approached it, examining it closely, his eyes grew wide with excitement. In eager anticipation, the team worked quickly, and quietly. Bone by bone, they continued to appear. 

They worked on into the night. A campfire, helping to provide light for the delicate work at hand. Carefully, they started piecing the bones together. After hours of work, they stood back, a number of hand bones were missing, but nonetheless they stared in excited disbelief. “Well team, this day will go down in history,” declared Donald. “What we have here,” he continued, “is the skeleton, of, an early human.” The team erupted in cheers. 

Drinks were shared, and the song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” crackled away in the background, as they celebrated into the early hours of the morning. Sofie sat at the edge of the excavation, contemplating the life of this ancient ancestor. Who was she? How did she end up here? She tilted her head, and stared up into the shimmering sky above. “Well, what should we name her? She needs a name!” Donald exclaimed. “We should call her Lucy,” Sofie declared as she stared up into the sky. 

Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Ohio, 2025

“Children! Children!” shouted the volunteer guide, Rosa. “Have our ears stopped working again?” The school children looked at one another. Some rolled their eyes and giggled, while others continued to talk and laugh. “Can anyone remember how many years ago the dinosaurs lived?” Persisted Rosa, her voice getting shrill in agitation. “Can’t anyone remember?” “I’m so sorry, I think they are done for today” apologised the teacher profusely. “We may as well head back out the front of the museum while we wait for the bus. The kids can have a rest and a run around” suggested a fellow teacher. 

The students collected their bags and moved to the lawned area. Some kids ran around playing chasey, while others sat on the ground, plucking the individual blades of grass. “Ok, have we got everyone?” “I think we are missing one.” “What? How can we be missing one?” “Who is it?” Panic descended among the staff. “It’s Ella.” “When was the last time anyone saw her?” With a flurry of activity, museum staff and volunteers were called into action in search of the young girl called Ella. 

Elaine spotted her from across the gallery. The young girl, in her tidy uniform, a bow keeping her long mane of hair together, transfixed by an exhibit. “Excuse me,” Elaine bent down to the child. But, as though hypnotised, the girl didn’t respond. “Excuse me. Are you Ella?” Repeated Elaine. Without taking her eyes away, Ella nodded. “Can I help you get back to your class?” Asked Elaine. “But, look!” said Ella. “Look at what?” asked Elaine. “Look,” Ella repeated. “Her name is Lucy, and she looks….. she looks just like us.”    


I recently attended a talk by the wonderful historian, Bettany Hugues, during which, she talked about the concept of genetic memory. Through genetic memory, it has been proposed that some behaviours and experiences are inherited; such as the innately human propensity to wonder. 

Personally, there have been countless times where I have caught myself staring up the night sky, wondering about the people who have come before us – what their stories are, and how we are all, in some way, connected. Whether it is one of our early human ancestors, a pilgrim from the late medieval period, an anthropologist working out in the field, or a small child scurrying about at our feet, we are all linked. Our stories woven together in this great tapestry of life.  

Notes of a Time Traveller began as a way for me to continue exploring and sharing my love of history. It was during my undergraduate studies in evolutionary biology where I became captivated by the story of Lucy’s discovery. A skeleton of an early human, the species would later be called, Australopithecus Afarensis. 

I then spent many years working with some incredible animals. Primates and bears in particular, captured my heart. I would spend hours pouring over books about their ecology, behaviour, and evolution. As time moved on, I was drawn into the world of Tudor history. From which, I am yet to depart. But I am constantly thinking of the lives of the people who have lived before us. How we can tell their stories and what the extant records can tell us about their lives. When we depart this earth, how would we like our story to be told? 

Through Notes of a Time Traveller, I share book reviews, pieces of historical fiction, travel, and research. My historical research has begun with the early life of Anne Boleyn, the second Queen of the infamous King Henry VIII. But who knows where it will lead, as I venture through history, exploring the lives of those who have walked this earth before us. 

Lucy Menadue

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About the Author

Lucy Menadue is an educator, researcher and writer who lives in South Australia. She has a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Masters in Education. Lucy has a particular passion for Tudor history, and researching the lives of women. Find out more ar 

21 March 2025

Book Launch Spotlight: The Wartime Chocolate Maker, a World War 2 novel by Gosia Nealon

Available from Amazon UK and Amazon US

Poland, 1943. I inhale the rich caramel scent as I carefully tuck a folded slip of paper under the delicate chocolates. My heart races as the door opens, and I lock eyes with my childhood sweetheart. If he found one of the secret messages hidden in every box of my creations, my life and my family would be in terrible danger…

Working in her father’s chocolate factory, Kasia risks her life every day hiding notes vital to the Polish resistance in the carefully packaged boxes. The information tucked beneath the truffles is crucial to freeing her country and her family from the Nazis. But each of her recipes is sent out under the watchful eyes of her boss, Sebastian—the man who broke her heart.

She has never been able to reconcile the kind, sweet boy she once adored with the man now allied with the Germans. Yet the more time she spends around him, the more he seems to hint at sympathizing with the resistance. And the risk of revealing everything to him seems to shrink day by day.

Until one coded message hidden among the rich chocolate makes her fear for her mother and brother’s lives. And though she’s on the factory floor with a group of fellow resistance women, she can’t let on what she knows. Because her network has been betrayed.

As she searches the faces of those closest to her for any sign of guilt, her eyes meet Sebastian’s, full of care and concern. With time running out, Kasia wonders if she can trust him with this deadly secret? Or are the soldiers already on their way to arrest her?

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About the Author

Gosia Nealon is a gold medal winner in the 2022 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) for Europe-Best Regional Fiction. Award winner in the Genre Short Story category in the 89th Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition, Gosia's debut novel, The Last Sketch, was named one of the best New Historical Fiction books by BookAuthority. Find out more at Gosia's website and find her on Twitter @GosiaNealon

19 March 2025

The Rune Stone, A haunting time-slip mystery of ancient runes (Dr DuLac series Book Three), by Julia Ibbotson

Available from Amazon UK and Amazon US

When Dr Viv DuLac, medievalist and academic, finds a mysterious runic inscription on a Rune Stone in the graveyard of her husband’s village church, she unwittingly sets off a chain of circumstances that disturb their quiet lives in ways she never expected.

She, once again, feels the echoes of the past resonate through time and into the present. Can she unlock the secrets of the runes in the life of the 6th century Lady Vivianne and in Viv’s own life?

Again, lives of the past and present intertwine alarmingly as Viv desperately tries to save them both, without changing the course of history.

“Dr Ibbotson has created living, breathing characters that will remain in the reader’s mind long after the book is read … The characters are brought to life beautifully with perfect economy of description … fabulous!” – Melissa Morgan 

“A rich and evocative time-slip novel that beautifully and satisfyingly concludes this superb trilogy. The story is woven seamlessly and skilfully between the past and the present and the reader is drawn deeply into both worlds.  Her portrayal of the 6th century and its way of life are authoritative, vivid and memorable.” – Kate Sullivan

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About the Author

Julia Ibbotson is fascinated by the medieval world and the concept of time. She is the author of historical mysteries with a frisson of romance. Her books are evocative of time and place, well-researched and uplifting page-turners. Her current series focuses on early medieval time-slip/dual-time mysteries. Julia read English at Keele University, England, specialising in medieval language/ literature/ history, and has a PhD in socio-linguistics. After a turbulent time in Ghana, West Africa, she became a school teacher, then a university academic and researcher. Her break as an author came soon after she joined the RNA’s New Writers’ Scheme in 2015, with a three-book deal from Lume Books for a trilogy (Drumbeats) set in Ghana in the 1960s. She has published five other books, including A Shape on the Air, an Anglo-Saxon timeslip mystery, and its two sequels The Dragon Tree and The Rune Stone. Her work in progress is a new series of Anglo-Saxon mystery romances, beginning with Daughter of Mercia, where echoes of the past resonate across the centuries. Find out more at and follow her on Facebook, Twitter @JuliaIbbotson  and Bluesky:

18 March 2025

Book Review: Mary Tudor: Queen of France, by Amy McElroy

Available from Amazon UK and Amazon US

Mary Tudor, Henry VIII's sister, lived a remarkable life. A princess, duchess and queen, she was known as the English Rose for her beauty. Mary Tudor, Queen of France, aims to explore the life of one of the few who stood up to Henry VIII and lived to tell the tale. 

Amy McElroy's new book, Mary Tudor: Queen of France provides a compelling and spotlight on a woman inevitably overshadowed by her infamous elder brother, King Henry VIII (and often mistaken for Henry's eldest daughter, Queen Mary Tudor).

This biography delves into the multifaceted life of Princess Mary Tudor, painting a vivid portrait of a princess who navigates the turbulent waters of Tudor politics and personal desires.

I read this book during Women’s History Month, and particularly like the way Amy McElroy captures the complexities of Mary's life, highlighting her resilience and determination in a world dominated by powerful men.

Amy meticulously reconstructs Mary's journey, from her politically motivated marriage to the aging King Louis XII of France to her life as the widowed Queen of France. Her writing style is accessible and engaging, making the book suitable for both history enthusiasts and casual readers.

Mary Tudor: Queen of France is a well-researched account of a remarkable woman who deserves greater recognition. Amy McElroy has successfully brought Mary Tudor's story to life, providing a fresh perspective on a fascinating period in English history.

Tony Riches

(A review copy was kindly provided by Pen & Sword History.)

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About the Author

Amy McElroy was born in Liverpool and lived there until she moved to the Midlands for university where she studied Criminal Justice followed by Post-Grad Law. Amy is currently a civil servant, working full-time alongside her writing. She also has a blog where she reviews historical fiction and non-fiction. Amy’s first book, Educating the Tudors, was published in January 2023 and focuses on the education of all classes, the subjects they learned and who taught them. Her second book, Women’s Lives in the Tudor Era is out February 2024 and she is currently writing her third book, Mary Tudor, Queen of France. Amy also has a fourth, Desiderius Erasmus, in the pipeline, with a few more ideas up her sleeves for the future.
Amy enjoys seeing her family back in Liverpool, especially her little furry assistant in the form of cavapoo Cooper, and visiting her dad in Spain, especially in the summer. You can find out more about Amy at her blog - and follow her on Facebook and Twitter @AmyMc_Books

15 March 2025

Book Launch ~ Postal Intelligence: The Tassis Family and Communications Revolution in Early Modern Europe, by Rachel Midura

Available from Amazon UK and Amazon US

Postal Intelligence connects and situates histories of the post and government intelligence alongside print technology and state power in the wider context of the early modern communications revolution. 

In the sixteenth century, postal services became central to domestic governance and foreign policy enterprises, extended government reach and surveillance, and offered new control over the public sphere.

Rachel Midura focuses on the Tassis family, members of which served as official postmasters to the dukes of Milan, the pope, Spanish kings, and Holy Roman emperors.

Using administrative records and family correspondence, she follows the Tassis family, their agents, and their rivals as their influence expanded from northern Italy across Europe. 

Postal Intelligence shows how postmasters and postmistresses were key players in early modern diplomacy, commerce, and journalism, whose ultimate success depended on both administrative ingenuity and strategic ambiguity.

"Rachel Midura provides an excellent and substantial intervention on the role of communications in state formation in early modern history and beyond, using an impressive range of archival sources. Postal Intelligence addresses important questions concerning public and private, the communications revolution, and the intersection of family and state affairs." ~ Catherine Fletcher, author of The Roads to Rome

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About the Author

Rachel Midura is an Assistant Professor of Digital and Early Modern European History at Virginia Tech. With a PhD from  Stanford University, she was a senior graduate fellow at the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis. Her research approached the seventeenth century as an information age created by the printing press and the European postal network. Find out more from Rachel's website and find her on Bluesky

11 March 2025

Book Launch Spotlight: The Shadow on the Bridge: A gripping and atmospheric historical novel from Clare Marchant

Available from Amazon UK and Amazon US

‘You must forever watch your back,’ I spoke the words clearly, though he could not hear me. ‘Come what may, I shall avenge my brother’s death.’

Now: When Sarah’s summoned by her godmother to remote Norfolk, she doesn’t want to go. Crossing the bridges where the two rivers meet, said to be haunted by the ghost of a little boy, a large Tudor house looms in front of her. And Sarah’s instantly reminded her of the summer when she last visited. The summer she would like to forget. Which left her unable to ever move forward… Can a person ever recover from the loss of a sibling?

1571: Anne Howard, newly-made countess of Arundel, has also lost a sibling. And been dragged from the relative safety of her home in remote Norfolk to London, by her overbearing, manipulative, new father-in-law Thomas Howard; the very person she suspects of killing her beloved only brother. The Howards have greater secrets than this though. Secrets that will lead Anne to a tragedy that will echo down the ages…

When Sarah finds a mysterious book of poems in a hidden chamber of her godmother’s house, she is drawn into Anne’s story. Perhaps the mystery will take her mind off her own loss? But – as the flood waters begin to rise under the bridges – is Sarah laying ghosts to rest, or bringing truths to the surface that should stay beneath?

‘Totally gripping and atmospheric… Breathtaking and beautifully written… Will stay with the reader long after the last page.’ Bestselling author of The Witch’s Tree, Elena Collins

‘A haunting tale of one woman’s struggle to be independent at a time when strong women were seen as a threat and dealt with accordingly… Gripped me from the first page and refused to let go.’ Bestselling author, Jenni Keer

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About the Author

Growing up in Surrey, Clare always dreamed of being a writer. Instead, she followed a career in IT, before moving to Norfolk for a quieter life and re-training as a jeweller. Now writing full time, she lives with her husband and the youngest two of her six children. Weekends are spent exploring local castles and monastic ruins, or visiting the nearby coast. Find out more at Clare's author page and find her on Facebook and Twitter @ClareMarchant


8 March 2025

Special Guest Interview with Rebecca Wilson, Author of Georgian Feminists: Ten 18th Century Women Ahead of their Time

Available from Amazon UK 

and pre-order from Amazon US

Tell us about yourself and your latest book

I am Rebecca Wilson. I am a writer and historian from the wilds of West Cumbria. I have two published non-fiction books, Tudor Feminists, published in 2024, and Georgian Feminists, published March 2025. I also have Victorian Feminists coming out early in 2026. They focus on women of that period who dared to stand out, have opinions, fought against the patriarchal society they lived in, or even followed their dreams.  

In these dark times, it is even more important that these women’s stories are told. Women’s voice is being silenced, and dismissed, and these books stand as a testament to women’s endurance, fight, and contribution over the centuries. 

I thought long and hard about how I approach my research. As I started a lot of my research during the Covid pandemic, and I live so far from physical National Archives, larger libraries, and even stately homes, I have focussed a lot of my research online. 

The National Archives have a great deal of transcribed documents online, and this has been invaluable to access letters and other documents that would have been impossible for me otherwise. Also, my local libraries have been a wonderful resource to order up books and reaching out to stately homes about their own archives. 

What is your preferred writing routine?

My writing routine is simple. I set myself a minimum word count for each day. I am a stay-at-home mother, so after taking my son to school, I settle down with a cup of coffee and fire up my laptop. I work for up to three hours, which sometimes is enough to get my minimum word count done, but I sometimes need to continue later in the day. If I am ‘in the zone’ and words are flowing, I carry on until it is time to pick my son up again at home time. I am strict with myself on the minimum word count and did not have a single day off during the writing of any of my books. 

What was the hardest aspect of writing?

I have found the hardest part of writing is focus. I do tend to get side-tracked down research rabbit-holes. I have to keep reminding myself to get back to the subject I am meant to be looking into. Some days it is hard to write, but I have dogged determination to push myself to do my minimum. 

 I am fascinated by the lives of ordinary people throughout history, and feel drawn to uncover how people lived, worked, and died. Perhaps this is because I grew up working class, in a former mining town, as the direct descendant of Irish immigrants. I am proud of them, working hard, and choosing to make a new life for themselves and their family.  

What advice do you have for new writers?
My advice for new writers, is this, write. You need to keep practicing at something you want to improve on. Get your draft written, no matter how rough, and then tweak it. You need to bring it into existence before you can make it pretty. If you write, you’re a writer. The blank page is difficult to beat, so just write, and keep writing.  

What have you found to be the best way to raise awareness of your books?

As well as my online promotions of my books and the amazing women I feature, I have done a series of talks at libraries throughout Cumbria. I am starting another library tour for Georgian Feminists May 2025 and taking part in the Regency Festival in Warwickshire in May 2026. Local book shops and libraries carry my books too. I do a lot of leg work to promote my books and travel a lot. 


I have now finished writing my Feminists trilogy and feel like a change. I am currently writing children’s stories for Junior readers. My son is coming up ten years old, but since he was very young, I told him bedtime stories, that I make up. I am beginning to write some of these stories down and hope to find a publisher to pick them up in the coming years.  

What are you planning to write next?
Although I have written three non-fiction books, my heart belongs to fiction. I like to think I have a lot of children’s books to share, and even perhaps an adult historical fiction book or two. Fiction is one of the oldest forms of entertainment, from early humans telling stories around a fire to explain the existence of the stars and sun, to curling up on the sofa with a good book, we all need stories.  

 Rebecca Wilson

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About the Author

Rebecca Wilson is a writer and historian from West Cumbria. She is a former history and English teacher who enjoys reading and acting. Her first non-fiction book Tudor Feminists was published in 2024, and Georgian Feminists in 2025. Her third and final non -fiction book, Victorian Feminists, is out early in 2026.  You can find Rebecca on Instagram @tudorghostmammy.