Mastodon The Writing Desk: New eBook Launch: Personal Productivity For Busy Managers

31 July 2012

New eBook Launch: Personal Productivity For Busy Managers

Personal productivity is under scrutiny as never before. In every sector global recession means continued pressure to reduce costs and increase productivity. All organisations are now driven to shine a spotlight closely at the contribution from every manager. A brilliant track record is no longer any guarantee of future job security. What matters is how much value you are adding now. 

So how do we really do more with less? There are plenty of books with tips on how to manage your time - but although time management is likely to be part of the solution, it will not be enough on its own. The answer is to take control of your own productivity and lead by example, drawing on practical experience and develop innovative approaches that will really make a difference.

Keynote speaker and productivity specialist Neen James says, “In today’s hectic workplace, it’s not just time management that you have to master, it’s super-productivity that gets the results. The secrets of super-productivity are not about working more; they’re about focusing your time, effort and energy on the things that will deliver the best results for you. It doesn’t mean ‘work longer’, ‘invest more money’, ‘create more lists or put your lists in a certain order’. It means: do less of the things that have no significance and more of the things that create an impact.”

You may be a top executive in an international corporation or responsible only for yourself. There are one hundred tips here, based on the experience of many managers in every type of organisation - so the challenge is to pick just ten that seem to fit with how YOU would like to work and see what you can do to increase your personal productivity.

Preview Personal Productivity For Busy Managers 


  1. Congrats on launching yet another very useful book, Tony!

  2. Thanks Heather - and thank you for a great video review


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