Mastodon The Writing Desk: Book Review: Heroines of the Tudor World, by Sharon Bennett Connolly

29 May 2024

Book Review: Heroines of the Tudor World, by Sharon Bennett Connolly

Available for pre-order from Amazon UK
or direct from Amberley

Who would you choose as your heroines of the Tudor world? Anne Boleyn? Poor Anne Askew, who suffered an even worse fate for her faith? How about Bessie Blount, royal mistress of King Henry VIII for eight years?

In 2017 I reviewed Heroines of the Medieval World, by Sharon Bennett Connolly and noted there were many more heroines, particularly from the Tudor period, I'd like to see included, and looked forward to the sequel.

Sharon Bennett Connolly granted my wish with her latest book, and I am pleased to see this is also organised by theme, so is perfect for 'dipping in' at a random page or section - where you can be sure of discovering something interesting.

I also liked the way some Tudor women pop up in several categories, highlighting the complexity of their lives.  As with her medieval heroines, some of the categories are thought provoking, such as the idea of heroic mistresses and scandalous heroines, but this makes for a lively and engaging read.

I was struck by the overarching theme of resilience against seemingly overwhelming odds, the challenge of relentless childbearing and undeserved subjugation. I'm happy to recommended Heroines of the Tudor World to anyone looking for a fresh perspective on the lives of these amazing Tudor women.

Tony Riches
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About the Author

Sharon Bennett Connolly was born in Yorkshire and studied at University in Northampton before working at Disneyland in Paris and Eurostar in London. She has been fascinated by history for over thirty years and has worked as a tour guide at historical sites, including Conisbrough Castle. Best known for her fascinating blog History ... the Interesting Bits she began focusing on medieval women and in 2016 her first non-fiction book, Heroines of the Medieval World was published by Amberley Publishing.  Follow Sharon on Facebook and Twitter @Thehistorybits

Disclosure: A review copy of this book was kindly provided by Amberley Publishing

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