Mastodon The Writing Desk: Marketing Historical Fiction on a budget, by Mary Anne Yarde

19 August 2024

Marketing Historical Fiction on a budget, by Mary Anne Yarde

When it comes to marketing and finding a company to promote your book it can often feel overwhelming. There are so many companies to choose from, some genuine but others not so much. It is very easy to spend hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds promoting your book, but if you don’t have that kind of budget, what then?

My name is Mary Anne Yarde. I am an award-winning author and founder The Coffee Pot Book Club and Yarde Book Reviews & Book Promotion. My goal has always been to create a platform that would help Historical Fiction, Historical Romance, and Historical Fantasy authors promote their books and find that sometimes elusive audience. 

My daughter Ellie joined the business in 2020, and that’s when we started offering blog tour. In July 2022, we handed over the keys to The Coffee Pot Book Club to award-winning author, Cathie Dunn, who has many years of experience as a book reviewer, author, and editor. You can find out more about The Coffee Pot Book Club blog tours here:

In the same year, Ellie and I began to make preparations for a new company that focused more on Instagram. There is a huge #bookstagram community on Instagram who love nothing better than talking about their favourite books. However, our goal was also to establish a promotional company that provided budget-friendly promotions. This led to the establishment of Yarde Book Reviews & Book Promotions.
With nearly a decade of marketing Historical Fiction, we guarantee visibility for your book. What’s even better? Our promotions start at just £5.00.

We do everything for you. The only thing we ask for you to provide is a buy link for your book. 

Take a look at some of our most recent promotions

This is an Instagram Promotion from August 12th:

It has 911 likes and 30 comments. 

Our blog is incredibly popular with readers and has had over 2 million page visits. Click on the link to see a recent promotion:

We are also very active on Twitter, with over 23 thousand followers. Our posts do really well on Twitter. You can view a recent promotion here:

So what is the catch? Well, there isn’t one. We offer affordable promotions with a five-star service.

We offer the following services (including cost):

  • One day of Instagram Promotion - £5.00
  • One Guest Post Spotlight with one day Twitter Promotion - £5.00
  • Editorial Reviews - prices from £16.00 - £90.00 depending on which package you decide to choose.
We promote both traditional and independently published novels. For an affordable way to give your book more exposure, click on this link:

Ellie and I are really looking forward to working with you
 and promoting your book.

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