Mastodon The Writing Desk: Among the Wolves of Court: The Untold Story of Thomas and George Boleyn, by Lauren MacKay

5 October 2018

Among the Wolves of Court: The Untold Story of Thomas and George Boleyn, by Lauren MacKay

Available on Amazon UK and Amazon US

Thomas and George Boleyn - the father and brother of Anne Boleyn and heads of one of the most powerful infamous dynasties in English history. 

Already key figures in Henry VIII's court, with the ascent of Anne to the throne in 1533 these two men became the most important players on the Tudor stage, with direct access to royalty, and with it, influence. 

Both were highly skilled ambassadors and courtiers who negotiated their way through the complex and ruthless game of politics with ease. But when the Queen fell from grace just three years later, it was to have a devastating effect on her family - ultimately costing her brother his life. In this ground-breaking new book, 

Lauren Mackay reveals this untold story of Tudor England, bringing into the light two pivotal characters whose part in the rise and swift fall of Anne Boleyn has so far remained cloaked in shadow.

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About the Author

Dr Lauren Mackay is an historian whose focus of study goes beyond familiar historical figures and events to lesser known individuals, as well as beliefs, customs, and diplomacy of the 16th Century. Her debut book, Inside the Tudor Court: Henry VIII and his Six Wives through the eyes of the Spanish Ambassador, is the first and only biography of the so-called Spanish Ambassador, Eustace Chapuys, the most integral chronicler of the Tudor Court. She has written several articles for All About History Magazine and BBC History, one of which was the cover article for BBC History magazine’s January 2014 edition. She also frequently contributes to their online content.  A special edition of their magazine which included her article on the Imperial ambassador was released in North America to co-incide with the launch of Hilary Mantel’s play ‘Wolf Hall’ in New York. Find out more at Lauren's website and find her on Facebook and Twitter @Regina_Saba 

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