Mastodon The Writing Desk: Book Review: Son of Prophecy: The Rise of Henry Tudor, by Nathen Amin

29 June 2024

Book Review: Son of Prophecy: The Rise of Henry Tudor, by Nathen Amin

Available for pre-order
from Amazon UK and Amazon US

The third book in Nathen Amin's Henry VII trilogy shines a spotlight on the (often ignored) Welsh lineage of Henry Tudor, going back into the lives of his ancestors for eight generations. 

Described by historians as 'ground breaking', this comprehensive book is now the definitive account of the people and events which led up to the founding of the Tudor dynasty.

Nathen Amin shows how this context is so important for understanding our history. I was aware of how the Welsh used referred to Henry Tudor as the 'Son of Prophecy' of the title, but have never thought about how deeply rooted this idea was in Welsh culture - or quite how long they had been waiting to see the prophecy fulfilled.

I have stood on the shingle beach at Mill Bay, close to my home in West Wales, where Henry and his small army made landfall, and recommend this book to anyone who wants a richer understanding of why he took such a great risk - and succeeded. 

Tony Riches 

(A review copy was kindly provided by Amberley Books)

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About the Author

Nathen Amin grew up in Carmarthenshire, West Wales, and has long had an interest in Welsh history, the Wars of the Roses and the early Tudor period. His first book Tudor Wales was released in 2014 and was well-received, followed by a second book called York Pubs in 2016. His third book is a full-length biography of the Beaufort family. He is the founder of the Henry Tudor Society and has featured discussing the Tudors on BBC radio and television, as well as in print and online media across the UK. He has a degree in Business and Journalism and now lives in York, where he works as a Technical Writer. Find him on Twitter 

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