Mastodon The Writing Desk: Author Interview with Susan Gray, Author of Blossoming of Truth

8 October 2024

Author Interview with Susan Gray, Author of Blossoming of Truth

Available from Amazon UK and Amazon US

A tragic accident...a bitter betrayal...a baffling mystery. If the truth is identity is hidden... a trust is eroded and a shocking betrayal ensues... can love truly blossom?

I'm pleased to welcome author Susan Gray to The Writing Desk:

Tell us about your latest book?

My latest book is called Blossoming of Truth and it’s my second novel. The setting is Northeast England in the 1920’s. I endeavour to entwine the genres of romance and mystery. I live in this area, but the place names are fictitious. It is the first book of what I hope to be a trilogy. When an attractive young woman seeks refuge in Tom’s home during a snowstorm, he is struck with a déjà vu feeling - convinced they have met before. As their romantic liaison develops, Tom’s life code is threatened by her persistent, mysterious, denial of their former connection. Then his brother dies in tragic circumstances, and he is arrested for causing the accident. Is it possible for love to blossom when he is betrayed, and the truth is denied?

What is your preferred writing routine?

I try to write every day. I’m an early riser and find I can write for a couple of hours before the distractions of the day begin. I’m retired, so the amount of writing done each day depends on the stage I’m at in a novel. I often take a walk and chat through my ideas, to myself. During warmer days I use a summerhouse in our garden – it becomes my writing retreat. In the winter I snuggle up beside a radiator on the landing, but once my head is ‘in the book’, I’m caught up in the story, wherever I’m sitting!

What advice do you have for new writers?

Link with other writers either, physically or through social media. It’s such an encouragement to hear other writers are experiencing the same problems you are having. Don’t give up – accept discouragement as part of the process – it’s usually only temporary.

What have you found to be the best way to raise awareness of your books?

Talking about my books – library events, book fairs, book blogs, group talks, book signings and social media – Facebook, Instagram and X (Twitter). I love meeting people face to face, telling them about my books.

Tell us something unexpected you discovered during your research?

I set my books in the 1920’s and I was amazed how advanced they were in those days. Testing was being done on televisions; fridges and gramophones were household items and women were entrepreneurial, starting businesses.

What was the hardest scene you remember writing?

The 1920’s court room scene in Blossoming of Truth  was challenging. Most of my knowledge concerning courtrooms was derived from contemporary scenes from TV or films. I was constantly asking myself…would they have done or said that a hundred years ago?

What are you planning to write next?

I have almost finished editing the sequel to Blossoming of Truth  which I hope to publish next Spring. A third book is knocking at the door – I already have ideas for it! This would make it a trilogy, if it happens.

Susan Gray

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About the Author

‘Never too old to follow your dreams’ has become Susan Gray’s mantra since beginning to write novels after celebrating a significant birthday. Susan endeavours to entwine the genres of mystery and romance and sets her novels in the early Twentieth Century. She lives with her husband in northeast England – setting her books in this picturesque area. She has a son and daughter, both married, two granddaughters and a grand dog. When not writing she loves to spend time reading, puzzling, walking and catching up with friends over a coffee. She enjoys travelling and tries to include many of the places she has visited in her books. Her plots are inspired by ‘life’ and how her characters navigate the waters. She loves to ‘people watch’ and creates her characters based on the many strangers she has observed. She has written six novels, and you can find her on Facebook and Twitter @SusanGray275384

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