Mastodon The Writing Desk: Book Launch ~ Stuart Spouses: A Compendium of Consorts from James I of Scotland to Queen Anne of Great Britain, by Heather R Darsie

20 October 2024

Book Launch ~ Stuart Spouses: A Compendium of Consorts from James I of Scotland to Queen Anne of Great Britain, by Heather R Darsie

Available from Amazon UK 
and pre-order from Amazon US

Stuart Spouses looks at the oft-overshadowed consorts of the Stuart monarchs, from 1406 to 1714. 

By focusing on these people and detailing their rises to matrimony, the trials and tribulations of their courtships, and the impact their unions and dissolutions had on the kingdoms of Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales, one learns not only the history of these kingdoms but the true, sometimes soft, power behind the throne.

"Stuart spouses focuses on the often disregarded by history consorts of the Stuart monarchs. I found it to be a well researched and fascinating portrait of people who were so important at one time in history but have been largely overshadowed by their spouses. I will definitely be adding this to my bookshelves and don’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone interested in this period of history." Amazon Review

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About the Author

About the Author

Heather R. Darsie works as an attorney in the US. Along with her Juris Doctorate she has a BA in German, which was of great value in her research. She completed multiple graduate-level courses in Early Modern History, with her primary focus being the Holy Roman Empire under Charles V. She runs the website, and is a co-host of Tudors Dynasty podcast.  Find out more at  and follow her on Facebook and Twitter @HRDarsieHistory

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