Mastodon The Writing Desk: Blog Tour ~ Guinevere: The Dawn of Legend, by Cheryl Carpinello

6 March 2018

Blog Tour ~ Guinevere: The Dawn of Legend, by Cheryl Carpinello

Available on Amazon UK and Amazon US

"Think before acting," her father always warned. But Princess Guinevere is ruled by her heart. Her betrothal to King Arthur has not changed this. When Guinevere and Cedwyn's latest adventure takes a dangerous turn, they find themselves embroiled in a life-or-death struggle as foretold by Merlyn's Goddess of the Stones.

Today I would like to welcome author Cheryl Carpinello:

Tell us about your latest book

Guinevere: At the Dawn of Legend is the 2nd book in what is now my Guinevere trilogy. At the Dawn of Legend is really Cedwyn's Story, Guinevere's loyal friend. Back in 2007, when I first conceived the idea of a story about Guinevere as a young girl, I never intended on writing a sequel. Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend introduced my young readers to this not-so-simple princess and gave them a glimpse into that mystical world of Arthurian Legend which was my intention.

Through the intervening years since Guinevere's publication, a small voice kept bouncing around in my head. Nothing could silence it. Finally one day, I gave in and listened. As I suspected, it was Cedwyn, Guinevere's friend. He insisted that I keep my promise-made in On the Eve of Legend-and make him a knight. Still I resisted and repeated that I never intended to write a book two. Finally, in 2015, I gave in. And so, in book 2, amid all the adventure and danger, Cedwyn gets to be a knight, but not in any way he ever imagined.

Oh, I also agreed to write one more book to complete the trilogy and give Guinevere and Cedwyn their closure.

What is your preferred writing routine?

I usually only have three days a week that I can actually sit down and write. On those days, I compose with pen and paper. When I do put my writing into the computer, it gives me an opportunity to do an edit that I'd miss otherwise. When I can't physically write, I work in my head. This involves sorting out plotting details, characters' actions, and seeing whether what I plan on doing will work. It sounds a little crazy, but it works for me.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

First, Read: Read other authors who write what you want to write to get an idea of what's out there. Read from the classics whose authors made words work for them and their audiences. Read books on the craft of writing as an author should always be learning.

Second, Write: Write without worrying about what you are writing. Save the critique for later after that first draft is finished. Write as often as you can.

Third, Stay Positive: Don't get discouraged. Writing is not easy. It takes time, patience, and thick skin!

What have you found to be the best way to raise awareness of your books?

My audience is obviously too young to buy on line. My target audience are parents and their kids (ages 9-14). I do a ton of school fairs, Christmas markets, and Spring Fairs as well as the Colorado Medieval Festival held each year in Loveland CO. I also do Medieval Writing Workshops in elementary schools across the Denver area. I'd love to try Skype visits.

Tell us something unexpected you discovered during your research

Having taught Arthurian Legend at the high school level for 25 years, very little research was needed. My husband and I also spent 3 weeks over in the UK a year before I started the book, so I was familiar with the settings. The research I did have to do was related to the distances a rider could cover on horseback and in a wagon. The site I used as my reference was, if anyone is interested in the information.

What was the hardest scene you remember writing?

I didn't have trouble with my scenes but with my timeline. At one time, I had three sets of characters that I needed to track and match with the others' movements. Even at the end of my writing, I still struggled with this. I spent one entire day (8 hours) on my living room floor with chart paper, speed charts, and the individual chapters laid out working to make sure it all synced. I actually had it down to the hours and minutes!

What are you planning to write next?

I've just finished up a small work of short stories and excerpts from my Arthurian Tales, Guardian of a Princess & other shorts. My second picture book Grandma's Tales 2 went to my production/layout specialist just after Valentine's Day.

I have a couple of projects in the wings. I need to get more research done for Guinevere Book 3 as this takes her and Cedwyn into Gaul (Medieval France). I'm also working on the basics for another book in my Young Knights of the Round Table Series.

However, the first draft of Book 1-The Atlantean Horse-in my Feathers of the Phoenix series is nearly completed. Rosa, from Sons of the Sphinx, is the lead character there along with a new character, her cousin Jerome. Rosa will again bring her ability to hear the dead, while Jerome has a special ability he's just unlocked. Book 1 reveals the family secret behind those abilities as well as a jaw-dropping discovery for Rosa and Jerome as well as my readers.

Cheryl Carpinello

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About the Author

Cheryl Carpinello is a retired high school English teacher. She says, 'My profession introduced me to writings and authors from times long past. Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Now, I hope to inspire young readers and those Young-at-Heart to read more through my Tales and Legends for Reluctant Readers set in these worlds-Ancient Egypt, Medieval Wales, and coming soon, a hair-raising adventure through ancient worlds in search of 5 rare Phoenix Feathers.' Find out more at Cheryl's website and find her on Facebook and Twitter @ccarpinello

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  1. Thank you, Tony, for allowing us to spend the day in Wales, one of my favorite places. My father's family was from Wales.


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