The path to a fulfilling new career is a journey of many steps. Champion Your Career has been written to serve as a helpful guide and companion on every step of that journey.
Today I'm pleased to welcome author Halimah Bellows:
What made you want to write your book?
I was inspired to write Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work because I felt a comprehensive career development book for the 21st century was needed to address the critical concerns of our time—the workers who are victims of downsizing and outsourcing, the “boomers” who are at retirement age but cannot afford to retire and the recent college graduates who are faced with an avalanche of confusing information and are clueless about how to pursue an appropriate career path.
What is your background Halimah?
As a career counsellor/coach, I’ve been able to bring together my innate abilities and passions and the skills that have naturally flowed from me since I was a child. People have always fascinated me, and the world of work fascinates me as well. After completing my undergraduate studies in Social Science and English at New York University, I earned an MA in English Language Teaching at the University of Exeter in England and then taught English as a Second Language in England and Indonesia.
Returning to the United States, I earned my MS in Counselng Psychology at San Francisco State University and received intensive Certified Coach Training at The Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, California and Retirement Options in St. Louis, Missouri to become a Certified Retirement and Professional Coach. Additionally I have obtained graduate certificates in Training Systems Development and Educational Drama. I hold Washington and California Community College Teaching and Counseling Credentials and am a Certified Dependable Strengths Articulation Process Facilitator. I served on the executive board of the Puget Sound Career Development Association for two terms.
I am also employed as a teacher of English as a Second Language at South Seattle College where I have worked for over 20 years. I also volunteer with several community theatre groups and for community events like Folklife Northwest. I participate in and am considered an elder in my spiritual practice. I do yoga and pilates. I love to travel, have lived in Asia and Europe and am married to a British citizen.
What plans do you have for your writing?
I’m not really planning another book right now though am working on a 2nd edition of it with updated career resources. I am also looking at making an audio book of Champion Your Career, and there is always the possibility of expanding on some sections of Champion Your Career—such as a book specifically for retirees.
How do you raise awareness of your book?
I fully utilize my own network, and a good public relations consultant can open many doors you might not be able to open on your own. The importance of a good book cover cannot be overemphasized. If you are able to find your own graphic artist to work with, it is worthwhile to do so. I am active on social media and have my own, twitter, facebook author and book page as well on Linkedin and having the book listed on Goodreads and other online book sites.
What advice would you offer to new authors?
I feel that having a passion for one’s subject, as I have for mine, is essential for any author. My method for developing my book was an approach that worked for me. Much of the material came from a radio interview show that I had done earlier, based on my twenty years of experience as a career coach. I was given the rights to the tapes from the show, and, with the help of my developmental editor, I turned the interviews into prose and added updated information, resources and social media platforms. I was fortunate to be able to work with a developmental editor who was comfortable with my speaking and writing style—a process which I recommend to writers who have the kind of active public life that I have.
Halimah Bellows
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About the Author

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