Legacy-The Reunion is a fast-paced adventure story, chock-full of memorable characters living in a world of magic and machines.
Britain's most notorious thief of the 19th century, Pierce Landcross, has been captured by the royal guards and is being taken back to London to face trial. Along the way, Lieutenant Darius Javan informs Pierce that his parents, Nona and Jasper, are imprisoned at Newgate.
Evening arrives, and the soldiers make camp. In the dead of night, they're attacked by a vampire who frees Pierce. Remembering his parents, Pierce flees to London to seek help from an old smuggling boss of his, Juan Fan. After hashing out a plan, Pierce goes into the prison disguised as a guard. Everything goes like clockwork until he discovers that a young Russian woman named Taisia Kuzentsov has also been arrested with his parents, and they refuse to leave without her.
After a daring escape, everyone regroups at Fan's opium den where Pierce is told that his folks had come to London to see about an inheritance left to them by Nona's late brother. Pierce goes to the lawyer, Christopher Ainsworth, to collect the money only to find out that to gain the inheritance he must first follow a series of clues through the Netherlands to its location. Pierce and Taisia leave together to search for it. Meanwhile, the lawyer sends a dangerous bounty hunter, Rupert Swansea, to follow them so to take the inheritance for himself.
With every clue Pierce and Taisia find, they uncover untold secrets about his family and soon learn there is more to the journey than initially believed.
Michelle Lowe
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About the Author

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